Saturday, November 3, 2012

No more cake cone

Have you ever baked a cake and it didn't rise evenly? You ended up with a tall cone in the center that you ended up having to cut off, right?
Well never fear here is a way to help your cake rise evenly!

All you need is a flower nail. You cake buy them in any cake department at the store. Then cut a circle of parchment paper the size of your cake pan to line the bottom. Poke the flower nail through the center of the parchment and lay it head up in the bottom of the pan.
Then pour batter in bake and viola! No more cone. Having the nail in the cake helps it rise evenly.
Also don't forget to spray the parchment paper and the bottom of the pan so nothing will stick.

But whatever you do don't spray the sides of your cake pans. The cake batter needs something to grab onto as it rises and if you spray the sides it can effect how he cake rises.
When you bake a cake correctly it should pull away from the sides of the pan all on its own leaving a clean release after it has cooled.

Let me know how your cakes turned out and if you won't bake another cake without a flower nail again. ;-)

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