Sunday, December 30, 2012

Easy Fudge

Who says fudge is just for the holidays? Here is a fudge recipe that will taste great no matter if you make it in December or July. This is also an easy fudge recipe, no candy thermometer required, so roll up your sleeves and let's start!

What you'll need:
4 cups sugar
1 can evaporated milk
1/2 cup butter
11 oz mini marshmallows
4 Hershey's milk chocolate candy bars
1 16oz bag semisweet chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla
Desired topping: nuts or candy canes

Preparation step:
    If you want nuts or crushed candy canes in your fudge chop all of this beforehand. You won't have time during the cooking process to stop and chop nuts so do this first!
    Also prepare either a 9x13 inch casserole dish lined with wax paper on the bottom and sides, or a cookie sheet lined with wax paper so you'll have a place to pour your fudge out when you're done.

Step 1 -
   In a pot, no smaller than 3 quarts, put your sugar, butter and evaporated milk. Stir together and cook to a boil while stirring constantly with a heat resistant spoon or spatula.
   Let it boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Put a timer on, you don't want to burn your fudge.

Step 2 -
    After it boils for 10 minutes turn the burner to low and add your vanilla, chocolate bars, marshmallows and chocolate chips. Stir until melted.

Step 4 -
    Take the fudge off the heat and stir in half of your desired topping such as chopped nuts or crushed candy canes.

Step 5 -
    Poor your fudge either into a 9x13 casserole dish or onto a cookie sheet. I like the cookie sheet because the fudge cools faster and isn't as thick so you get more pieces.
     You could also lay out wax paper on your counter top instead of in a cookie sheet. But if you don't have a lot of counter space a cookie sheet or glass dish is better.
    Once your fudge is all poured out you can cover the top with the other half of your toppings!

    If you want your fudge to cool faster you can put it in the fridge, other wise let it sit till it hardens.
    Once it hardens cut it into pieces of your desired size.

I hope you love this simple recipe as much as I do!

Have a Happy New year and may all your cooking be right. ;-)

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