Monday, January 11, 2016

Sweet Potato Hash

      With a new year I am revamping my diet to include less sugars and more vegetables. I had a friend tell me once that it's good to stay away from the "white food group." Things in the white food group include: white rice, white potatoes, white flour, white bread, etc. When she told me this I started buying sweet potatoes instead of regular baking potatoes.

      One of the recipes for sweet potatoes I recently tried was a sweet potato burger. (It was kind of a flop but my husband enjoyed it so I was glad about that.) Anyway I cooked a sweet potato and didn't use all of it in the burger mixture so I was trying to figure out a way to use up the rest of the cooked sweet potato. That's when the Sweet Potato Hash was born!

      I had to look up the definition of "hash" because honestly I wasn't sure what went into a true hash. A  hash is basically chopped meats, potato seasoning and other ingredients such as onions. The first time I made this I was just throwing things together and man was it delicious!

This is what goes into my sweet potato hash:

green bell pepper, chopped (but you can use any color or all three is you want)
onion, chopped
bacon (I use precooked and dice it)
cubed cooked sweet potato (I boiled/steamed it in slices first)
cubed tomatoes
and a fried egg to top it off

    All you need to do is chop up as much of each ingredient as you choose. It depends on how much you want to eat by how much you chop.

    First I sauteed the pepper, onion and bacon in a frying pan over medium heat.

    Then  push the onion, pepper and bacon to one side of the pan and add the sweet potato. Keep the heat at medium so you can get a nice brown on your sweet potatoes. (My heat wasn't high enough so I didn't get that nice brown, and i forgot to push everything to the side.)

    Then I cubed some tomato and added it for a few minutes at the end of the cooking.

    I transferred my sweet potato hash to a plate and then fried an egg in the same pan I cooked the hash in. Then I topped my hash with my egg (sorry it doesn't look that appealing, but it tastes delicious.)

    I like this sweet potato hash because it doesn't have as much starch since there are no white potatoes. The tomatoes also add a nice freshness.
    Feel free to anything you want to this: green onion, cilantro, jalapeno, etc. The possibilities are endless!

    Enjoy your sweet potato hash!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Orange Cranberry Muffins

I got a bag of fresh cranberries in my Bountiful Basket a few weeks back and have been at a loss about how to use them. (My son will actually eat them like popcorn... but that's not my favorite snack.)

On the bag of cranberries was a recipe for lemon cranberry muffins but I prefer orange with my cranberries so I tweaked it. I am also trying to avoid processed sugars so these muffins are only sweetened with Stevia, honey and agave nectar.

I hope you enjoy these muffins as much as I do!

2 cup fresh cranberries (sliced)
1/2 cup milk (you can substitute your favorite kind of milk, like almond, coconut etc.)
1/2 cup Agave & Honey (I filled my 1/2 measuring cup 2/3 full with agave and the rest with honey)
1/4 cup powdered Stevia
1/4 cup coconut oil (melt to get it in a liquid form)
1/4 tsp salt
2 large eggs
Zest from one large orange (you can use lemon zest if you prefer)
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup almond flour (you can leave this out, but be sure to add 1/2 cup of regular flour in its place)

Mix together: Milk, agave/honey/stevia, salt, eggs, oil, vanilla & zest
In a separate bowl mix together the flours and baking powder.
Then add these to the wet ingredients till fully combined.
Fold in your sliced cranberries.

350 degrees Fahrenheit
Bake 18-20 minutes
makes about 20 regular muffins