Friday, June 14, 2013

Frozen Cookie Dough

Baking and eating cookies is one of my favorite things to do. There is nothing better than a fresh from the oven cookie. When I make the time to bake cookies I find that my recipe makes more dough than I intended. I don't like to make all of the dough because my husband and I can't eat them fast enough before they go stale. Sometimes I'll bake all the cookies and freeze half the batch. But even a precooked thawed cookie isn't as good as a fresh one from the oven.
Maybe some of you have also been in this predicament. Well I found a solution to my problem with an idea given to me by my friend Kenzie Gray.

Kenzie was a personal assistant to a lady who had Kenzie essentially be the mom. She would cook dinner, do the grocery shopping and even some finances. Because Kenzie didn't work on the weekends the lady still wanted fresh baked cookies to have on hand. So Kenzie would freeze cookie dough balls and when this family wanted cookies they'd take out the desired amount and bake fresh cookies.

I though this was such a clever idea I had to try it and share it with you. So here is how to have delicious fresh from the oven cookies at your disposal.

Here is what do to:
First - Make your favorite cookie dough. I like chocolate chip. Once you have your dough separate it into individual balls with a cookie scoop. I have a small scoop which yields about 6 dozen cookies.
Second - Place all the balls on a cookie tray. Make sure the tray can fit into your freezer. You can pack the cookie sheet full because the cookies are not going to expand. I also lined my cookie tray with wax paper so they didn't stick.
Third - place your tray of cookie dough balls in the freezer and leave there for a good hour to harden.
Once they're frozen transfer the balls into a freezer bag and place the bag back in the freezer to use at a later time.

When you want some home made cookies take out the amount of balls you want and let them thaw on a cookie sheet, bake and enjoy some fresh warm cookies!

*Baking Tip: Because the dough is in a ball you want it to unthaw a little if not all the way so it will bake evenly. You can also try baking your cookies at a lower temperature. For example, mine bake at 375 so I would bake my partially thawed cookies at 350. *

You could also freeze your dough in a long cylinder shape and cut slices to desired size for cookies, but I find this way more convenient. Also having the dough already in individual balls makes for a fun easy treat. ;-)

Let me know how this idea works out for you or if you've already heard/though up this idea on your own.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Monkey Bread Cupcakes

Ever get a craving for something with cinnamon and sugar? But you don't want to spend the time with cinnamon rolls and cinnamon sugar toast just won't satisfy.
Never fear here is a quick fix for that cinnamon craving. Monkey bread cupcakes!

I have always made monkey bread in a bunt pan but with just me and my husband at home we don't eat it as fast. So for smaller portions I decided to make it in a cupcake pan. I like the individual cupcakes because it can help with portion control so you don't get carried away cutting yourself a big slice that you'll regret later.

What you'll need:
4 cans of pre-made biscuits
1 gallon resealable bag
1 cup white sugar + 2 tsp cinnamon
1 stick of butter (1/2 cup)
1 cup packed brown sugar

0. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
1. Combine white sugar and cinnamon in the resealable gallon bag and shake to mix.
2. Line your cupcake pan with paper liners or spray with a nonstick spray.
3. Open one of the cans of biscuits and proceed to cut each biscuit into quarters with kitchen shears.
4. Place all of the biscuit pieces in the sugar cinnamon mixture. Seal the bag and shake to insure all pieces get coated.
5. Take the pieces out of the bag and place them in the cupcake pan. Be sure to fill each cup to the top, you could even put in more if you desire, they don't rise very much.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all the biscuit dough is used up and your cupcake pan is full. Between each can of biscuits add 1 tsp of cinnamon to the bag.
7. In a pan melt the butter and brown sugar and bring to a boil stirring constantly. 
8. Once boiling remove from heat and spoon the sugar syrup over the dough pieces in each cupcake cup. Disperse it evenly and be sure to use it all.
9. Cook your monkey bread cupcakes for 10-15 minutes or when a piece of dough poked with a tooth pick reveals fully cooked dough. Watch to make sure they don't burn.
10. Once you remove them from the oven let them sit for a few minutes to cool and congeal. If you didn't use cupcake paper liners be sure to wait so they keep their shape but don't wait too long in case the sugar syrup wants to stick to the pan.
11. Other than waiting a couple minutes serve right away and enjoy a delicious cinnamon sugar treat! If you want a more cinnamon roll taste to it simply drizzle a cream cheese frosting over the top or a simple sugar glaze.

This is a great treat to make with kids. They will have a blast shaking the bag with the dough pieces and of course having their own personal monkey bread cupcake to eat.

Post your comments about this recipe, things that worked or didn't work for you, and let me know how this treat satisfied your sweet tooth craving.